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In previous years, I have worked on various independent projects, as well as collaborative projects. My proactivity in high school paved the way for me to create other projects in the future.  

The Helmet (2015)

Elements of Humanity (2014)

Between December 20 and December 21, I worked on this project, which was based on a helmet that I had made in grade school. The design had no particular inspiration, but it has a Japanese character design on its top to reflect my heritage. Yes, I can actually wear it.

Originally made for my high school's drama club, this piece represents what I believe to be the five core desires of humanity. The center character means "person," the self-centered nature of humans. The top character means "love"; the right character means "power"; the bottom character means "house," representing humanity's desire for stability and belonging; and the left characters mean "wisdom," representing humanity's search for knowledge.

Green Madness

Photoshop New Page (2016)

Created on January 11, 2016, this piece is the first that I have ever created on Adobe Photoshop. It was created through basic initial instructions and over an hour of free usage. Green Madness is merely an experimantal piece.

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